How to value your time

There is one thing we all know that is limited and we have no way to get more, our time. The days have a limited amount of hours and we have a limited amount of days to accomplish what we want. What can be more valuable than something that we cannot buy or have more? … [Read more…]

Get rid of Time Clock

“Work more hours to get more job done”. This was a common phrase some years ago when association of work hours with productivity was direct. A person who was at the work for few hours was directly associated to a lazy person with few productivity and a person how was at work many hours was … [Read more…]

Walk away to find creativity

In a fast world where creativity and innovation are essential features for business survival, it is necessary to have the required conditions to develop this two characteristics. Placing people in offices for 8 hours a day doing the same job and function for several years, may not be the best way to achieve this. Our … [Read more…]